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China: Melting glacier leaves world's worst polluter with no room for doubt

"Urumqi No1 glacier in China has lost more than 20% of its volume since 1962 thanks to temperature increase"

Category: Climate Change


Have fewer children and help save the planet

"British couples should consider having no more than two children to help reduce the environmental impact of the rising global population, doctors have said."

Category: Climate Change


Don't be fooled by the climate change bill. Carbon trading torpedoes it

Article by Georges Monbiot "The rigged statistics and exported emissions will render worthless the apparently radical targets Labour is now setting"


Flaws in case for third Heathrow runway

"The economic case for expanding Heathrow is flawed because the argument for building a third runway at Britain's largest airport relies on optimistic assumptions including a low oil price and escalating passenger demand for...


From mph to mpg: Motor industry displays its eco credentials

"...the British International Motor Show has always been a shrine to the power of the internal combustion engine. But petrolheads will be shocked by the sacrilegious centrepiece of this year's show: a green "village" crowded with...

Displaying results 801 to 805 out of 1185